Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Mike Poulos' many scams

The following is transcribed from the website http://kato-e.dk/MP_Scam/mike_poulos_scam.htm

None of Mike Poulos' 20+ scams since 1999 have never paid out, the only payment received is the up to 20 million USD dollars Mike has had fun with over the last 12 years. All the scanned document have only one purpose, and that is to prove that Mike Poulos has scammed people for a minimum of 12 years by using different names for the scams, but all the scams include words like "Privacy and Secure" "Debitcard" and "online payment".

- Robert Darnall letter #1, #2, #3, #4

Mailpond promotion letter, however it failed from day one, couldn't keep up with Microsoft and Hotmail.

- Golden Eagle. As you can see it is not the first time Mike Poulos uses the term "teams"  1  2  3  4  5  6

- Golden Eagle Coop cost a lot - 1,000 USD dollars per person, and Mike Poulos did take in lots of money on this scam too 1  2  3  - please understand that names are erased on the scanned documents, but on the originals all names are clear.

- Golden Eagle never paid out as promised, Mike Poulos even told the members that he wrote letters to the legal dep. That should have happend on March 8th 2000.

- GlobalySecure, like Mailpond, like OPS Mail, like VirtualSafeBox.org. Mike Poulos have always thought that the authorities were after him (I wonder why?) and therefore he always wanted to have a private and secure mail system. Globaly Secure should not only be a secure private mail but also an online payment portal. Imagine a thief like Mike Poulos having access to an online payment portal? It would be the same as asking the wolf to look after the chickens. 1  2  3  4  5

- PT Imbicom's Compensation Plan - here you needed to first pay $100 USD dollar, then a fee of $20 USD dollar per year, for that you would get a webmail at Mailpond.net and a debit card in gold. The smart thing was that Mike Poulos was controlling the main account in this offshore company so once again it would be the same as asking the wolf to look after the chickens. This was a pyramid scheme that never did anything else other than provide Mike Poulos with some more USD dollars.  1  2  3  4  5  6

- None of the above seems to be connected to E65 (Endowment 65), Plus20k, VSB Team (VirtualSafeBox) however, on some of the first websites regarding E65 we can see the Mailpond logo. So, Mailpond, aka PT. Imbicom Compensation Plan, aka Golden Eagle, aka GlobalySecure, aka Gold Visa Card Plan is definitely connected to E65. In other words all the first Mike Poulos scams were used to start up the E65 scam.

- Now we all know that Mike Poulos has used his scammed money to start up his next adventure the HMV Bullion scheme. 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8

- Here you will find some more old emails sent to me from Mike, and I have sent them to potential clients. Now I have received these printed old docs, and scanned them so all can see that nothing has changed since 1999. 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8

- The next batch of pictures looks like the above, the only change is the "company" name. 1  2  3  4  5  6

- Finally I can assure all that I will at anytime meet Mike Poulos in any courtroom, but he will never sue me because he will lose and he knows it. Mike Poulos threatened me in 2005 with a law suit, he did again April 1st 2011, and I'm still waiting not only for Mike Poulos to sue me but I also wait for Helen DeGauthier to do the same. It will never happen because Mike Poulos will lose and there is no Helen DeGauthier!

Enjoy and best regards,


  1. this e65 bullshit should be knocked on the head ,people that put other people threw hopes and dreams and then give them nothing should have their his nuts cut out to dry on fence 14 years of pyre crap and lies if this wanker is for real he should pay out now or get his shit off the book. do not think much of this guy .

  2. this is how people that are in e65 are starting to feel

  3. Yep, with yet another request for $300 to $500 per policy for a trust, with an urgent deadline. Please. Better off investing that money at Vegas.
